Now, last time we discussed how to get the pictures of yourself for cheap without paying the tourist prices! This time I have worked out a different solution.
At the warriors there is a service that you pay extortionate prices for you to have a photograph taken which they then morph your face into your very own warrior, it’s a pretty funny gimmick and some of the best and brightest have had it done including world leaders such as Bill Clinton.
So despite saving on the student entry we did not have the money and were not going to spend a ridiculous sum of money for a photograph that you would see once in a blue moon. But I did have an idea that perhaps I could create my own image at a later date as there are a plethora of replica statues all over Xi’an.
So as we were cycling around the wall we stopped off at a couple of watch towers and we discovered some replica’s that were just the ticket, so I got some photos of both Steph and I.
Once the photographs were downloaded I set to work in photoshop, a few fills and mirror copies here and there and a conversion to black and white with a hint of sepia…..Presto!! a unique and authentic Terra Cotta Warrior Fran and Steph…..