Time has come once again for me to move on and relocate back to NYC! I can't believe how 18 months have flown by!
And what an 18 months they have been, there have been highs and lows, smiles and frowns, ups and downs and round and rounds! But what an opportunity and what an experience, nothing can quiet compare to life in India, the culture, the colours and the diversity!
As a country it has its challenges but it also has its successes, both of which I have been fully immersed. Learning many new things and myself changing, evolving,definitely appreciating life more and becoming a stronger person.
Photographically I have been challenged and inspired, but more importantly re-invigorated during my time here, which is a great feeling. Along with my Instagram posts more work over time will start being exhibited in various forms from my time here, some interesting personal projects.
As I depart this is note to the friends I made and the many faces I came across, just a simple Thank You!